A Forum

I would like this to be a forum for political and social thought. I would like to try to keep it civil. That can be difficult as people, myself included, usually feel strongly about these issues. I will try not to be insulting though insult is often in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe no one will ever read this but me, maybe it will just turn out to be my private journal. We'll see.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Jesus or Trump

   Some people comb through the bible attempting to find support for their opposition to homosexuality and abortion.  They search for hidden meanings, insist that they know the mind of Jesus, they don't.

   Jesus was very clear as to what he believed to be important, there was no beating around the bush.

   What did he think about those who would use other people's faith for their own gain?  Just look at what he did to the money changers in the temple. (Matthew 21:12-13)

   What did he think of those who made a big deal of their faith so as to look good, he saw thorough the hypocrisy and condemned it. (Matthew 6:1-4)

   He rebuked those who would keep little children from him, should those who claim to follow him do less (Matthew 19:14)

  When it comes to people we fear, see as a dangerous other, look to the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37).  Jews at the time saw the Samaritans as dangerous, the other, Jesus saw them as good neighbors often better people than the pillars of the community.

  What did Jesus say was our duty to the stranger among us, the sick, the hungry, the thirsty?  You know the answer but if you have forgotten look again at Matthew 25:35-45.

 "I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me."

  These teachings of Jesus seem to be the antithesis of the preaching of Trump with which many among us are enthralled.  What are we to think?  Is Trump the Antichrist?  I think not for he is a weak little man.  He may have charisma but so did Hitler and Mussolini.  In all honesty I can't see the attraction of any of these men.

  Is Trump a great prophet.  No, that would be giving him credit for wisdom he does not have.

  What Trump is is a great con artist.  He speaks against the teachings of Jesus while convincing his followers otherwise.

  In truth, one cannot follow Trump while being a follower of Jesus, one must choose.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of want to say 'Amen', but perhaps that is not the right response. I am, to be totally honest, so completely fed up with so-called Christians that I find it hard to be civil. Especially when we get back to Florida, I am afraid for what I'll do/say. Fingers crossed for a good Tuesday.
