A Forum

I would like this to be a forum for political and social thought. I would like to try to keep it civil. That can be difficult as people, myself included, usually feel strongly about these issues. I will try not to be insulting though insult is often in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe no one will ever read this but me, maybe it will just turn out to be my private journal. We'll see.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Let's See His Birth Certificate!

How do we know little trumpy wasn't born in his mother's home town in Scotland.  After all, it is far more likely that a women would return to her place of origin to give birth than it is for an American woman to go the third world country of her huband.

Let's see that birth certificate, trumpy, than we can all spend years suggesting it is a forgery.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Trump as the Wizard of Oz

"Don't look at the man behind the curtain, look over there!"

Remember that line from the Wizard of Oz, when Toto pulled down the curtain revealing the Wizard as a fraud?  That's what little trumpy reminds me of.  He doesn't want us to look at his faults, he wants us to look at Hillary instead.

In truth, everything he says about Clinton is true of trumpy in spades!  What we know of his business dealings are all bad, bankruptcies, lawsuits, shady characters as partners.  He doesn't reveal his taxes which might shed light of his business practices.  He inflates the significance of minor transgressions on the part of Clinton in hopes that no one will pay attention to his major transgressions.

He says Clinton is secretive.  Clinton?  We know all about Clinton and most of it is good.  We know what she stands for, she stands for the little guy, the children.  She has a track record going back years.  Trumpy is late to the party, he has no track record in public policy and he changes his stance from week to week.  We have no idea what we would get with him as president.  We do know that he admires autocrats and himself.  We know that he loves money, his own, and wants more of it.  That seems like a very dangerous combination to me.

Do we really want a con artist, a fraudster as leader of our great nation.  I hope not, what would it say about the United States were we to elect him?  What would it do to our standing in the world?  Make America great?  No, it would make a laughing stock out of this great nation.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

It's a Woman Thing.

I know, little trumpy will use Hillary's pneumonia as another excuse to say she is not "tough enough"  to be president.  It is a common prejudice of men to call women the weaker sex.  Weaker?

 Ok, maybe women don't have the muscles that men do but what they do have is endurance.  They have to.  They spend nine months carrying another person around inside their bodies and another 12 to 24 months carrying that person around on their hips, back or front.  In many parts of the world women travel miles to get water and wood which they haul home on backs or heads for their families.

When a woman is sick most don't have the luxury of staying in bed.  Women routinely get out of a sick bed to feed their families and do household chores.  They pop a few aspirin or Tylenol tablets so that they can get the kids to school, shop for groceries and run other necessary errands.

In many households women work eight hours at paying jobs (usually earning less than a man).  When they get home they then make dinner, do laundry, clean house and care for the kids.  Too often the big, tough man is sitting in front of the tube.

Perhaps that is why Hillary kept going, saying nothing, it's just what women do.  It's a woman thing.

Before you guys get your knickers in a twist, I know, many men get up and go to work when they are under the weather, but would trumpy?  I doubt it.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

trump--Ventriloquist's Dummy?

I've been watching little trumpy give some speeches lately.  I find it interesting that the man who used to ridicule others now uses written speeches to look presidential.  Who writes these speaches?  These speaches sure don't sound like trumpy. 

When there is no teleprompter available he runs his finger down the page so as not to lose his place, rather like we did in elementary school  when first learning how to read.  Is he afraid if he diverges from the text give by his handlers that they will get angry with him and scold him?  We know that trumpy doesn't like criticism, it brings out the worst in him.

So I wonder, if trumpy is elected which would we get, the ventriloquist's dummy parroting the thoughts of others or the real dummy?